Friday, February 15, 2019

Death Battle Character Analysis: Lina (Blade Strangers)


The adorable, psychotic, badass villain of the depressingly underrated fighting game, Blade Strangers. If you haven't heard of her or the game she's from, I would not be surprised... and if that's the case, you should totally play the game. It's awesome. Anyway, let's start with a few miscellaneous notes before we get to the good stuff:
  • Blade Strangers' story mode is incredibly short, so this blog will be as well.
  • Lina's ending isn't canon, but I'll mention it anyway, because certain aspects of it ARE canon.
  • I couldn't get any screenshots, GIFs or videos of specific abilities, so for now, they'll only be written descriptions.
  • Blade Strangers is yet to get a sequel and probably never will. If it does and Lina is featured, I will be updating this blog as soon as I possibly can.

Now, let us begin!


Alright, sooo Lina's background is just the premise of Blade Strangers's story: In the world of Blade Strangers, every universe is one of many simulations being generated by an interdimensional network of servers. These simulations are overseen by the goddess Exiva and her Motes, a group of sentient computers, and protected by their champions, the Blade Strangers. A being known as Lina appears and begins consuming the servers' data, devouring entire universes and their respective Blade Strangers, thus adding to her power. To protect the multiverse, the Motes summon heroes from universes Lina has not yet reached, altering their memories to make them believe they are participating in a fighting tournament. The one left standing will be named the new Blade Stranger in the hopes of awakening their power and allowing them to defeat Lina. Said tournament is essentially a Venn-diagram of interconnected universes that the motes created... how this works, I have no idea. There are 9 universes shown in-game: Code of Princess, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac, Umihara Kawase, Cave Story, 1001 Spikes, Doki Doki Poyatchio and... some unnamed universe featuring an original character.

By the end of the game's story, she has successfully eaten 8 out of 9 of the universes, and is ultimately confronted by Solange from the Code of Princess universe. Canonically, she loses... but if she DOES win... we'll get to that later. Now, let's move on.


With any other character, I wouldn't put these two categories together. Lina, however, is pretty simple; she's fucking psychotic, has a split personality (cute and bloodthirsty, respectively), has a sentient halo thingy name Devian who serves as her primary weapon and power source, and that's it... that's all there is to it. Now, with that out of the way, let's get into the more interesting stuff.


This section is pretty short and sweet. Her attacks almost exclusively revolve around her giant ring-shaped companion thingy and her floating power-button blades. The two abilities she has that don't have any screenshots or animations are Teleportation and Air-dash. Her character trailer does show her teleporting, though. Also, here's a neat video of some of her combos. This site has a list of all her attacks and their framedata/hitboxes and is where I got the following images, if you wanna check it out.

  • Devian Blade:

    Lina uses one blade to slice upward in front of her.
  • Giga Mine: 


    Lina creates a miniature black hole a few feet in front of her. While it isn't shown in this screenshot, the combo video I linked shows it off quite frequently. 
  • Kama Flash: 

    Lina turns one of her blades into a scythe and swings it in a semicircle around herself. More flashy than it is useful.
  • Spin Blade:

    Lina turns her blades into some kind of floating beyblade.
  • Drill Smash:

    Lina uses her blades to make 2 gigantic drills in the middle of the battlefield. Very easy for her to miss with this one, as the opponent can simply stand between them.
  •  Heavy-Attack:

    I don't know how they couldn't have thought of a better name for this. Anyway, with this technique, Lina splits her blades apart and has them rapidly jab in front of her. Very powerful, but very short range (obviously). 
  •  Downhole:

    Lina turns her blades into a drill and aims it directly downward in front of her.
  •  Super Geyser:

    Lina uses her ring to summon a gigantic laser underneath her opponent. It hits multiple times and has ridiculous range, vertically.
  •  Final Laser Lv1:

    Essentially a horizontal Super Geyser, but much more powerful. It has incredible range and hits multiple times.
  •  Final Laser Lv2:

    Essentially an upgraded version of Giga Mine. It doesn't have a ton of range, but it's her most powerful attack.


  • Likely immune to reality warping on a multiversal scale via scaling to the Motes; extra-dimensional beings with supposed complete control over an infinite number of virtual universes. They were powerless to stop her and required outside help from Solange and other characters. 
  • At least equal to the goddess, Exiva, stating that she means nothing to her. Exiva is a being far more powerful than the Motes (and is their boss).
  • Has presumably beaten every member of the game's cast, considering Solange is the only other character left alive by the end.
  • While she only consumes 8 universes in-game, it's implied she's been doing this quite rapidly and for a very long time.
  • As stated in the previous section, Giga Mine creates small black holes.
  • While her ending isn't canon, we do learn that if she defeats Solange and eats one more universe, she ends up overloading and releasing all the energy of every universe she has consumed, causing an infinite loop of creating and destroying the Blade Strangers' infinite universes and ends all of existence via the "Blue Screen of Death"


  • Attack Potency: Multiverse Level, potentially Multiverse Level+ if she eats too much.
  • Durability: Multiverse Level.
  • Combat Speed: Immeasurable (via scaling to the Motes and Exiva)


  • Insanely powerful, to say the least.
  • A decent number of ranged attacks.
  • Infinite/Immeasurable speed is kinda OP.
  • Possible immunity to reality warping and resistance to various states/elements is also kinda OP.
  • Moveset is relatively diverse, so she's not very predictable.
    • Being as psychotic as she is definitely contributes to her unpredictability
  • Teleportation.


  • With the game's story being so short and simple, along with Blade Strangers not getting any sequels yet, she doesn't have very many feats and likely would make for a boring DB episode.
  • Probably not very smart.


If you haven't figured it out by now, this Lina blog is just filler before my next big DB Analysis blog thing. Anyway, thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and have a wonderful day/night/whatever time it is.